The first three months of Will's life really rocked my world and schedule so I'm going back and doing these pictures long after. I really did not understand how BIG he was for his age. It was all so new and I really haven't had any other experience with babies other than my my volunteer work at the hospital.
We decorated Easter eggs with Dani & Ben. Will even participated in the Easter egg hunt in Grandma's stroller, although it was pretty chilly up in Logan.
Will is starting in interact and react to Cooper. It's so sweet to see their friendship start to bloom.
This kid has become so interested in books.
I know it's overkill in his fuzzy bear suit, but I just think he's so adorable and can't get enough of him!
Without further ado, our BOO BEAR
Nothing can't make Will quite as happy as his nakey mirror time. He may be cranky or over-tired, but the moment he see's himself he just lights up.

Will was getting too big for his bassinet and wiggling too much. So we moved him to a floor mattress until I could figure out what type of bed/crib works best for me. He loves being snuggled between his giraffes legs and snuggled into his swaddle.
We've been in the midst of Whole 30 so we spend a lot of time in the kitchen prepping. Will loves to play with everything is sight, it's amazing how far those little arms can reach. He loves to put his mouth on all the different foods and colors.
The floor bed has been working out for the most part, except when he rolls off the bed at night and rolled onto his face. He can breathe fine, but I get nervous so we put him back on his bed and he wakes up. I just love when he wakes up in the morning or from naps. He's just so happy & sweet.
We've figured out how to go the bathroom in public. Will can't really sit up on his own at this point. So we switch from my lap to my wheelchair so I can use the restrooms in public.
Sunday's in Logan are starting to get a little warmer so we've been spending some time outside.
Will's smiles makes it seem like we aren't even trying to be happy.
My mom came into town for a visit & we were able to meet my dad at the airport during his hour layover so he could snuggle on his grandson.
This is my favorite little outfit on my favorite little boy. This hood just kills me <3 He's really started to notice the mirror and mobile on his swing & his stiff little legs crack me up.
We walked around temple square & enjoyed the beautiful tulips & spring blossoms.
I finished my 4th marathon. This was one of my favorite marathons and typically there is someone riding with me. But this marathon I was on my own for the most part. It gave me time to ponder & ride, filled with gratitude for my body.
I've been trying to take more time to be still & just snuggle my baby. Slowing down and being still is hard for me, especially on Sunday's. I forced myself to sit down and snuggle Will, I didn't even fall asleep, but it was such a precious time.
During the Whole 30 you're supposed to look at your relationship and patterns with food. So for the last week of Whole 30 I decided to look at my relationship with social media/technology. Afterwards I realized I had a good balance & just need to stay intentional about my snacking & media consumption, but overall I felt like I was in a healthy place. It was a great month and William spent a lot of time on the counter playing with bottles, spatulas & veggies.