Seven years ago, during a moonlight rappel, I ended up falling 80-100 feet. No that’s not a typo, I FELL OVER 80 FEET and Cougar Cliff itself is over 250 feet. EVERY single day, month and year past March 12, 2012 is truly a miracle, second chance and gift because despite all reasoning & laws of physics - I survived. But not only did I survive, I have gone on to fight, thrive and build this beautiful life I have today.
It’s become a ritual the past three years to visit Cougar Cliff near the anniversary of my accident. Each time we’ve visited we've had a faqmily prayer. This year as we visited the cliff, my emotions were very raw & so Trevor spoke the words I could not. It was such a beautiful moment to see what I had in my arms that moment and reflect on those seven years that I've had the opportunity to keep LIVING. We felt like we were walking on sacred grounds because this place & that night was a catalyst for everything that was to come in my life. And that is one of the MANY lessons I've learned this year.
This has been another year of LEARNING & LOTS OF LIFTING (my baby). I've been constantly adapting and figuring out how to best care of my ever-growing baby boy. It has been EXHAUSTING, EMPOWERING, FRUSTRATING & JOYFUL - all at the same time. This year I also finished another marathon sprinkled with speaking engagements throughout the year. But my main focus has been on motherhood and trying to keep up with all the lessons I continue to learn.

After spending the last year pouring my whole body and soul into caring for Will, I decided to focus on myself a little bit this year. For years now, I’ve had some physical struggles and pains that make it difficult to sleep, therefore affecting every aspect of my life. My days seem to revolve around my pain and exhaustion, while trying to be present with Will and be the best wife, mother, friend, daughter, sister & human-being that I can.

After spending the last year pouring my whole body and soul into caring for Will, I decided to focus on myself a little bit this year. For years now, I’ve had some physical struggles and pains that make it difficult to sleep, therefore affecting every aspect of my life. My days seem to revolve around my pain and exhaustion, while trying to be present with Will and be the best wife, mother, friend, daughter, sister & human-being that I can.
With the complications and pains I've been facing, I've felt frustrated at times. Doctor after doctor, I've consulted & sought for answers and solutions. In exhaustion, I told Trevor I just wished there was one doctor that understood everything, that could help me answer all my questions and problems. Suddenly, I was reminded that I already have the greatest physician. One who understands all of our pains and has a cure and a solution for every ache, pain and complication. So I decided to start consulting with the Great Physician, Jesus Christ. As I've poured my heart into prayer and writing, I've had some personal and comforting experiences.
During these last few months, we've been studying the New Testament, which covers Christ's birth, life, ministry, death & Resurrection. These books, chapters and verses are filled with stories of Christ healing in a simple touch or a spoken word. My emotions have been tender, as I think of the woman with the issue of blood that suffered for 12 YEARS, without relief. I've felt close to this women, even though I've only suffered 7 years. But I can only begin to relate and imagine those feelings of faith, gratitude and pure love as she was healed, after YEARS of enduring pain & sickness. In a simple touch, in a small moment, she was healed - how miraculous.

Although Christ is not here on earth right now, He still lives. The day of miracles has not ceased. I've come to realize that my miracle has not come in one miraculous moment. I didn't stand up and walk in ONE moment or ONE day. My nerve pain didn't lessen in ONE moment. I didn't pee after my accident, right when I started praying for it. All these miracles have taken faith, time & patience. It has been through small and seemingly simple miracles, BUT THEY ARE STILL MIRACLES. As I've been consulting with the Great Physician, I've been prompted to return to physical therapy, revisit surgeons with very specific goals and ideas in mind.
While none of these procedures and medications have come to fruition yet - and regardless of their result, it is so comforting to know that there is someone who understands it all. Every pain, every heart-ache, every loss, every ailment - He understands them all and knows how to heal us.
For some reason I got real ambitious this year, leading up to my accident anniversary. I decided to recap each year. Mainly, I wanted to show how my life didn't just suddenly come together. I didn't just stand up and start walking one day, I didn't cope & deal with my loss in one month or even one year. Every moment hasn't been filled with sunshine, roses & optimism. I wanted to show the highs and lows and how long it took for different aspects of my life to come together. Another aspect I wanted to show was my grieving process and rebuilding my life and confidence. It may seem silly to go month by month & there are so many details, events & memories that I'm not able to cover. Some days have been painful, others emotional, and some just flat out hilarious and so joyous to relive and reflect back on.
So here are the links to the videos and blog posts to each anniversary for the last six years. I'm just so grateful for the opportunity to keep on LIVING the years as they come.
So here are the links to the videos and blog posts to each anniversary for the last six years. I'm just so grateful for the opportunity to keep on LIVING the years as they come.
I found your page through Instagram today and am just in awe! Your strength, courage, faith & grace shine through your adversity. Thanks for sharing so that the rest of us might be encouraged through your journey!