We are really getting into a good groove lately. Will's naps and bedtime have been much more predictable and consistent. Running errands and getting life done if much easier. Also - SUMMER
I've been getting lots of good runs in before Will wakes up in the morning
and Trevor is on Daddy duty.
We spend a weekend in Logan because I had to speak at a youth Trek. It was 2 hours away from where we live, so we decided to make a weekend of it.
I've been pretty bad at taking picture at all the girls camps I've been driving around to this summer. But Trevor drove up with me to a Trek up in Logan. It was such an incredible experience where I was able to speak about spiritual and physical endurance. The drive home felt like a little date night since we'd dropped Will off with the grandparents on our way up.
Sunday's are for Daddy time. Trevor is such a sweet dad & I just love watching him be a dad.
ENO season is in session.
POSSIBLY ONE OF MY ALL TIME FAVORITE PICTURES. Cooper's little head tilt just makes my heart burst!
Grandma came for a visit and Cooper didn't quite catch the hint that she was tired.
Everyone else was out of town & traveling so my mom came out to Utah for her birthday.
Will & i have been sharing a room while Grandma has been here & Trevor was out of town on work. He isn't really crawling yet, but somehow when I unzipped his bed,
he wiggles his way out of the his crib.
Will's first Costco trip. He has been so interested in cups, straws & water bottles
so we let him try it out
This kid just adores looking at himself in the mirror. I wish we could all
see ourselves the way babies do.
We spend lots of our free time down at the "dog hill" playing with Cooper & Will and just enjoying this summer weather.