Have you ever done one of those connect the dot worksheets? There's numbered dots all over the pages and you have to connect all the dots to make a picture.
At first the lines seem so random and sporadic and you wonder how those lines
will ever make a picture. And then slowly, but surely you start to see
something take shape. You're not sure what exactly, but you have hope that it's
not just a bunch of random lines. With more time and more dots connected you
start to see the picture and you can guess what the dots are making and start
to predict which direction the next numbered dot will be.
Well, that is how my life has been feeling lately. The last few
years I've been connecting dots all over the place. They all felt random and
sporadic, but nevertheless each one lead me along to the next dot or place
in life I was supposed to be. I moved back to Utah to go back to school to become
a Child Life Specialist. I thought I knew where my dots where finally going. I
thought I could see what my picture was turning into and then the dot seemed to
slowly head in another direction. Now with more time I see why my dots needed
to take a different turn. I thought my dots were heading west for a new career
path and more education, but instead it got me back to Utah so I could discover
sit-skiing and start speaking and sharing my story again. I've shared this
before, but there came a time were I started declining speaking engagements.
And moving back to Utah I wasn't ready to start speaking again, but slowly with
time I was asked again and again. It happened so slowly that I didn't
even realize it. Next thing I knew almost a year and a half later I was
sometimes speaking as much as 3-4 times
a week. That was definitely exhausting on top of a full-time job, taking
care of Cooper, training and just life in general!