I'm really loving these monthly updates. First off if I ever lose my photos again (which has happened twice) they're at least here.
Also the days are flying by so quickly this helps me reflect back & be accountable for my time. Will turned 6 months on May 11th.
Our favorite times is when Will wakes up happy from his naps and just babbles and plays until you come and get him. The he looks up at you and just smiles. It melts my heart every time.
I gave him an orange peel and then an orange slice and LOVED them and kept sucking all the juice.
Will learned how to sit up this month and it's been so fun to watch him progress in less than a week!
Auntie Lala and Uncle Christian came into town for a wedding, but they stayed with us so we got to hang out.
That smile :)
Saturday morning Laura & Christian had a wedding in Salt Lake which was the real reason the flew in to visit. So Trevor, Will, Cooper & I packed up for our first trip to Pineview of the season.
Will obviously loved having Auntie Lala and Uncle Christian in town.
The only picture I managed to get all of us from the weekend.
Sunday dinner's up in Logan are the best, especially now that it's getting nice out.
Will moved into his own room! He was fighting being snuggled and rocked and it was just time for him to have his own space and it has worked out just perfect. We also sleep trained him and I can finally say he started sleeping through the night. I love when I come to get him after a nap and he will look up and back at the doorway with the sweetest smile and babbles.
We flew back to Naperville for Mother's day and theres a whole separate post HERE because I took too many pictures while we were with family.
Cooper has really warmed back up to Will, but we've still got a ways to go until they can really play together.
We've been obsessed with these summery nights and try and get out as much as we can!
The floor bed has been working great, but he keeps rolling off his mattress in the night. So we said goodbye to the floor bed, after a couple of weeks in his own bedroom.
Seriously, these summer nights 💙
I know all of these pictures look similar, but I love his different expressions in each picture. It's so hard to just choose one. It's fine, I'm a mom now I can do that.
I love when Will reaches to pet Cooper and feel his fur. It just melts my heart.
Everyone loves when Daddy comes home.
These two together are all heart eyes.
For the last month he's been letting me rock him to sleep and then I just snuggle him. I've tried to put a 15 minute time limit so I still get other things done. He's just so sweet and his soft little cheeks just make my heart melt.
We try and make a monthly visit to GG. She lives so close and if we don't schedule something then the weeks and months fly by without seeing each other.
We spent Trevor's birthday weekend and Memorial Day up in Logan celebrating. I'll post more HERE because this is already way too long.

Kenny & Will are 2 weeks apart and Will's a total monster - haha.
It's crazy how wit the slightest changes in expression each picture looks totally different, but still totally adorable.
Those no teeth smiles just kill me <3 <3
His binky smiles crack me up! He does it all the time and has perfected smiling while still holding the binky in his mouth. Also this is the new crib he moved into so we don't have to worry about him rolling off the bed anymore.
I love his sweet baby back. Something about these picture from behind just makes me want to squeal.
Oh May you gave us a taste of summer & we've loved you.
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