As my friend Haley says.
Friends that have your back - figuratively and literally. These girls knew the "old" Brittany or should I say pre-accident Brittany. Even before my accident, I knew these friends had my back. But that took on a whole new meaning after my accident and an even more literal meaning the night of Emily's wedding a few weeks ago. For the first time in years we were all together in the same place for such a happy occasion. The day had been so wonderful & we arrived at the wedding dinner. I was sitting in the grass playing with Will, while everyone else sat in chairs - I'm just really a floor person. Any time I'm given the chance, I'd rather sit on the ground. I lunged forward to surprise Will & suddenly my dress split up the back. Yes, it made that terrible sound like you've hear in the movies. I just started laughing knowing that my back was exposed. Haley came to the rescue and was able to knot up the hole with a hair tie and help cover for me as we walked into the house. Then we all proceeded to squeeze into the bathroom and brainstorm a solution. Lucky for me, my friends are so creative. Liz documented while Haley & Annaliesa found needed and thread to stitch me into my dress. It was such a sweet comical memory, if I didn't know it before these girls have my back covered.
"Friendship is the instrument by which God reveals to each of us the beauties of others."
C.S. Lewis
A few days before we had a chance to get together for a girls night & last fling before Emily got married. It was so comfortable & heart warming to be together again. There were a couple comments brought up about my accident & the time afterwards. I was surprised as I choked back tears, as I responded. These girls had been some of my most vigilant friends after my accident. They knew and understood things that very few others did and so I don't typically encounter such raw conversations. How grateful I am for the beauty, sweetness & healing their friendships have brought into my life.
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August, OH what a wonderful month it has been, filled with so much love, celebration, happiness and dear friends. Three of our best friends got married with in three weeks so it's been a little crazy in the best way possible. First there was Britten & Alisa. In high school they were known as the Cyclones, I'm pretty sure it's form a basketball team name, but it just kind of stuck. Most recently, Britten joined the marriage club. We met Alisa a few weeks before the wedding in a random parking lot on a Sunday afternoon and we were smitten - haha. Then after spending the wedding day together we were able to learn even more that we loved about Alisa. She is headstrong and drive, but so compassionate and loving, which is EXACTLY what Britten needed.
Britten & I were both in traumatic accidents within days of each other, back in March 2012. I first met Britten on a double date and it wasn't until later afterwards that Trevor told me all Britten had been through. We are the miracle Britt's and Trevor's Britt's - he takes such good care of us. I now claim Britten as my friend too, even if it was Trevor that introduced us. After Trevor & I broke up he and Britten were able to be roommates and I'm honestly so glad they had that experience.
Not all the Cyclones were able to make it in for the wedding, but we got to see Chase, as well as Tyson & Victoria (plus their new little Isla who was only 3 weeks olds) I think the last time they were together was at our wedding so it was so fun to see them all again!
Not all the Cyclones were able to make it in for the wedding, but we got to see Chase, as well as Tyson & Victoria (plus their new little Isla who was only 3 weeks olds) I think the last time they were together was at our wedding so it was so fun to see them all again!
Before Britten & Alisa got engaged I texted Britten about his birthday and meeting his girlfriend. The next day, Alisa was no longer his girlfriend, but his fiance, and he didn't give us the slightest inkling! That little stinker.

We love getting to see Chase. Trevor got to hang out a few months ago when I had a baby shower in Provo and we got to see the salt and pepper in person. Each time we part, we are reminded how much we love Chase and although we don't have official godparents, Chase is definitely Will's godfather.
Then Mrs. Herring - what a whirlwind it has been. When we first caught wind of a possible August wedding, Trevor took time off work and we started planning a trip to Hawaii where we they were living. It's hard to keep up with Haley's fast pace life, even for herself. So quick summary they ended up getting married in the mountains on Hawaii, moving to Japan, only to have her honey and new husband deployed 6 days later. Lucky for us, she was coming back to Utah for her sister's wedding and we were able to throw her a surprise party.
It was the night before her sister's reception and the day after she'd traveled around the world to be here. But with lots of coordinating we were able to get so many people that love Haley in one place, including her mom & sisters. Normally tears aren't a good sign, but in this case I think it was a successful surprise. Oh and if you know Haley then you know party's come with a theme & costumes. So her bridal shower was definitely NACHO AVERAGE, Frida Kahlo, Mexican & Cafe Rio theme.
My sweet Emily is married too! It worked out that Annaliesa & Haley were able to extend their trips to the mainland to be there for Emily's wedding and it has been the absolute best! We've been able to get together on multiple occasions. We weren't all roommates at the same time, but Annaliesa, Haley & I were roommates freshman year when we met Emily in our ward. After Annaliesa was married we moved into the red roofed house in Logan and Liz moved in as a random roommate and turned into the dearest friend. It really is amazing how college brings you together with some of your dearest friend. My heart has been so full each night we've been together.
My heart has been so full and giddy being bath with old college roommates. We just bring out the immaturity in each other. After the wedding we had a couple hours so we made and In & Out pit stop. Will fell asleep in the car and Trevor was happy to stay in the car and watch football while he slept. Meanwhile inside we were trying to airdrop this ketchup stick figures to anyone around us. We would see people around us decline the airdropped photos and just couldn't contain our laughter.
"It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
We literally danced the night away. Trevor was holding sleepy Will during most of the dancing, while us girls took the dance floor by storm. William woke up and Annaliesa danced with him while Trevor & I were able to share a couple of dances. After a few dances I was physically exhausted and so Trevor & I sat back down. Don't mind me while I gush for a moment, but Trevor looked at me under the trees & starry night sky on that refreshing summer night and I could just see his love for me in his smiles & his eyes. Sorry, just a mushy moment I want to remember forever.
Will has been doing so great with all these crazy wedding schedules. He's learned how to
party hard and nap harder.
It was the perfect night and happiest day for our sweet Emily.
My heart wanted to burst & I wish I could capture that look on camera. But my world just felt so complete as we sat under this beautiful tree with the love of my life, watching one of my best friends dance with my baby, and watching another best friend dance with her new husband and love. Life just felt so perfect and time seemed to slow down in that moment. As I sat back and watched all this beauty, I just tried to soak it all in, not through a little glowing screen, but with my own two eyes and with my heart and soul.
But wait, there's more - Cortney! We first met before moving out to Tennessee to live and work together at CLIMB Works in the Smokey Mountains. With all the weddings this month there was bound to be conflicts in schedules. But I'm so glad I was able to celebrate with her at her bachelorette party and see so many other sweet friends from Utah State days.
Another friend was in town during the wedding mania weeks. Kristin & I were pregnant at the same time & our boys are less than 2 weeks apart - even though Will has a good 4 lbs on Ollie, he was moving all around, while Will sat and played on the blanket. It's so fun to be able to navigate and move through the different stages of motherhood with a friend.
While I'm catching up on play dates...We stopped to see my college teammate and friend, Brittany & her baby girl, Blakely before they moved to Iowa for medical school. We were able to snag a few moments together & meet her sweet baby girl. .
Annaliesa's gang was visiting the longest & so back in July we were able to drive down for Davey's first birthday. It was so fun to see the babies and all the different levels of development. Davey bear crawls around & very recently started walking. But as you can see in the pictures Will is bigger than Davey and he wasn't even 9 months at the time.
Our boys are 3 months apart & I just can't wait to continue to go on family vacations and see how the boys grow up together and become real friends. There were multiple girls nights and family dinners that I didn't snap any pictures. They were just such beautiful moments and people that I was just soaking in every minute being together. What a beautiful month of love, friendship & celebration. I'm just so grateful for such dear relationships that make life so sweet.
And of course I'll end up with the boy I spend most of my time with. He lights up our world & has been so flexible during this crazy month of love, parties and celebration. It was always good to have some calm normal days between all the fun.
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