Justice & Mercy

Sunday, February 21, 2016

The last few months I've immersed myself in the study of Alma Chapter 42. Typically, when something jumps out at me this strongly, I blog. So here I am blogging, it's been a busy couple months filled with travel and continuous change. It is also March now, which means my 4 year anniversary of my accident is coming up next week. So this chapter hold special meaning around this time of the year. Across the margins of my scriptures in this chapter I have written:


I'm going to try and do my best not to get carried away and word vomit, but I have my late night, can't sleep, anxious leg spasms. I'm just going to break this chapter down into a few of my favorite verses. The chapter starts off in verse 1 saying: "I perceive there is somewhat more which doth worry your mind, which ye cannot understand - which is concerning the justice of God in the punishment of the sinner".

Wow, that verse spoke directly to me. Lately I've had multiple people ask about my accident and if I received any kind of compensation, support, or any type of medical coverage for my ongoing condition, which continues to effect nearly every aspect of my daily life. When I explain the situation many are shocked, appalled and have even expressed anger. I haven't given this thought much stage time in my mind, but for the first time this topic began to "worry my mind" as these scriptures share.