Justice & Mercy

Sunday, February 21, 2016

The last few months I've immersed myself in the study of Alma Chapter 42. Typically, when something jumps out at me this strongly, I blog. So here I am blogging, it's been a busy couple months filled with travel and continuous change. It is also March now, which means my 4 year anniversary of my accident is coming up next week. So this chapter hold special meaning around this time of the year. Across the margins of my scriptures in this chapter I have written:


I'm going to try and do my best not to get carried away and word vomit, but I have my late night, can't sleep, anxious leg spasms. I'm just going to break this chapter down into a few of my favorite verses. The chapter starts off in verse 1 saying: "I perceive there is somewhat more which doth worry your mind, which ye cannot understand - which is concerning the justice of God in the punishment of the sinner".

Wow, that verse spoke directly to me. Lately I've had multiple people ask about my accident and if I received any kind of compensation, support, or any type of medical coverage for my ongoing condition, which continues to effect nearly every aspect of my daily life. When I explain the situation many are shocked, appalled and have even expressed anger. I haven't given this thought much stage time in my mind, but for the first time this topic began to "worry my mind" as these scriptures share.

In verse 13 it goes on to read: "this  state; for except it were for these conditions, mercy could not take effect except it should destroy the work of justice. Now the work of justice could not be destroyed if so, God would cease to be God." 

I love this reminder that if the work of justice did no exists, then God would no longer be God. In verse 15 I love how we are reminded of a few of God's attributes: "that God might be a PERFECT, JUST God, and a MERCIFUL God also." God is both JUST & MERCIFUL, not just one or the other. Mercy does not cancel out justice, they both coexist and are necessary qualities of God.

It reads in verse 25: "What, do ye suppose that mercy can rob justice? I say unto you, Nay; not one whit. If so, God would cease to be God." 

As I thought about these conversations with others I began to think deeper on the principles of compensation, justice, mercy, forgiveness etc. And I realized something; I realized that a judge here on earth could try to make the situation just or fair and try to offer some form of compensation and justice. But their justice and rulings would never be perfect, it would never completely cover all the doctor and hospital bills, it would never cover the heartbreak & grief I've endured, it would never cover the pain my family endured as they watch me struggle, it would never cover every moment of every day that I live with this disability, or the future events that I will miss out on or not fully enjoy with a complete body, it would never cover the aching in my heart as seasons change and my legs ache to run again.

But I realized there is a perfect and just judge, one who will compensate perfectly for all the trials and suffering in life, especially those that are the result of another's actions. He will be perfectly just and merciful in his judgement. That does not mean that individuals will get away with whatever just because they've repented. Repentance alone does not always appease the demands of justice. God will still demand justice, but it will be perfect justice though. As verse 25 read mercy cannot rob justice!

This may not seem that that incredible of a concept to you, but to me it brought peace knowing that I don't have to worry about seeking justice or compensation. My job is to offer mercy and forgiveness and God will handle the rest. He is perfect, He is just, He is merciful. That mercy extends to both sides though - to the wrong-doer, but also to His child who endures the pain daily. He has seen my pain, and known my sorrow and grief. He has extended his arms of mercy toward me and I know He feels a portion of what my parents and others who love me have felt. The've experienced anger and frustration for what happened to me and desire justice. They have also offered mercy and forgiveness. I know my Father in Heaven feels a portion of that for me. I am His daughter and I think when your child is hurt you want to make it better and make it right, and while my earthly parents can't make it right, and no earthly judge can make it right, there is one who can. And so that is why I know one day He will demand justice. All that is wrong with be made right & fair. Here on earth that means the atonement compensates for every loss, trail and pain we experience. But when God has the opportunity, He will rule justly and mercifully - truly compensating for every loss, especially those that are a result of other's actions.

And Alma finishes saying in verse 29 "let these things trouble you no more". I tried to express this to my own mother, who during times of extreme pain and suffering, has felt the need for justice and mercy in our lives. But we can be at peace knowing that these things need not trouble us anymore. For there is one perfect, just and merciful judge - our Heavenly Father, who will meet the demands of both justice and mercy. Next to this verse I wrote "let it go". Truly that is what the Savior is telling us to do, let it trouble you no more and let it go. In a way I read it as Christ saying "Give it to me, lay it at my feet. I am just and merciful and I will one day make it right, but for now you can let this go". How grateful I am to have this knowledge and peace in my life. Especially as my 4th anniversary is coming up next weeks and memories begin to resurface - I am once again reminded of that morning and those details that led to my accident.

For those of who who have struggled with forgiveness and peace in your life, I offer you my knowledge and testimony of this. Let it go, lay it all at the Savior's feet. As you do this He will fill your life with peace and give you opportunities for joy. I promise that He will compensate for every loss. He will be a perfect, just and merciful judge. It is not our place to seek justice or revenge, we must only forgive and offer mercy. How grateful I am for a just and merciful God, one who will rule and reign perfectly. For now I can have faith in trusting in His promises that He is both merciful AND just.

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