Saturday, June 30, 2018

We are really getting into a good groove lately. Will's naps and bedtime have been much more predictable and consistent. Running errands and getting life done if much easier. Also - SUMMER

That baby bum just makes me want to squeal. 

Trevor took William on his first hike to Adam's Canyon. 

He loves playing with my wheelchair and walker. 

I've been getting lots of good runs in before Will wakes up in the morning
and Trevor is on Daddy duty.

We spend a weekend in Logan because I had to speak at a youth Trek. It was 2 hours away from where we live, so we decided to make a weekend of it.

I've been pretty bad at taking picture at all the girls camps I've been driving around to this summer. But Trevor drove up with me to a Trek up in Logan. It was such an incredible experience where I was able to speak about spiritual and physical endurance. The drive home felt like a little date night since we'd dropped Will off with the grandparents on our way up. 


Sunday's are for Daddy time. Trevor is such a sweet dad & I just love watching him be a dad.


ENO season is in session.





POSSIBLY ONE OF MY ALL TIME FAVORITE PICTURES. Cooper's little head tilt just makes my heart burst!

Grandma came for a visit and Cooper didn't quite catch the hint that she was tired.



Everyone else was out of town & traveling so my mom came out to Utah for her birthday.

Will & i have been sharing a room while Grandma has been here & Trevor was out of town on work. He isn't really crawling yet, but somehow when I unzipped his bed,
 he wiggles his way out of the his crib.

Will's first Costco trip. He has been so interested in cups, straws & water bottles
so we let him try it out


This kid just adores looking at himself in the mirror. I wish we could all
see ourselves the way babies do.


We spend lots of our free time down at the "dog hill" playing with Cooper & Will and just enjoying this summer weather.